Well here goes with the washing theme again …

Do you know how much it costs at my hotel to wash a shirt … E7,35, and a pair of socks …E2,90, and a pair of jocks … E4,00. I think I could buy a washing machine for the price of getting my laundry done at my hotel.

Well you see I’ve been ‘’storing’’ my clothes in the vain hope of having enough clean clothes to get me home, but it was not to be. So then I started to look for a ‘’automatic lavange’’, and yes there is one only a few kilometres from my hotel.

Why does it have to be so expensive to get clothes washed at the hotel, and why does the nearest laundry mat need to be so far away? It’s just not fair!

So driven by my apparent fetish for clean clothes, I’m back into the bathroom over the wash basin again, following my usual ‘’clothes washing routine’’.

Just as well that I’m blessed with a wonderful and exhaustive sense of humour, but … only half an hour later, less than what it would have taken to get to the laundry mat, cést fini.

For the rest of my life I think I’m destined to associate holidays with…les vêtements lavage

About missbianchiandme

This is not ... all about me
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2 Responses to Well here goes with the washing theme again …

  1. Chookie says:

    You are funny John with your washing, are you home soon? look forward to catching up when you get back, you have had a wonderful time hey! been great reading all about it, have a good trip home. Cheers Chookie

    • missbianchiandme says:

      Hi Chookie, all the way from Paris, rue de Richelieu in the Opera district
      It’s a grey cool day outside, the first grey day since I arrived in paris a week ago. So far I’ve been very lucky with the beautiful clear sunny days.
      Anyhow all’s good, and I’m ready to head for home tomorrrow, but not really ready to go back to work – will buy a Lotto ticket at the airport hen I arrive and maybe I might just win a few million dollars so I can spend my days riding my bicycle.
      Catch up when I’m back home, au revoir, john w

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